Bull against bear

Financial markets, macro economics, politics and everything else concerning the global markets. The writer is a long time investment banking operative in the nordic markets. The blog is usually updated once a week with specific trading advice. On a monthly basis, the goal is to provide a strategy update. In addition to that, there will be posts of more general content, housing bubbles, investment strategies and more.

September 22, 2012

S&P 500 priced in gold and oil.

Is the stock market going up? Or is it just other things than the consumer price index getting more expensive?

Short SPX, Long Gold, one of my major trades for 2012 now that the next leg in central bank activism has been initiated and equities generally have squeezed away most of the risk premia.

Short SPX, Long Gold.

Short SPX, Long WTI

Ritholtz posted a relating chart with gold compared to the consumer price index. That is a flawed measure in my opinion since the consumer price index will never reflect inflation at this stage in the printing cycle.

Swedish business magazine Affärsvärlden in http://www.affarsvarlden.se/tidningen/article3541208.ece relates gold with the tulip bubble. In other words, we are quite far from the contra-magazine-indicators that usually follows with a true bubble.

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