Bull against bear

Financial markets, macro economics, politics and everything else concerning the global markets. The writer is a long time investment banking operative in the nordic markets. The blog is usually updated once a week with specific trading advice. On a monthly basis, the goal is to provide a strategy update. In addition to that, there will be posts of more general content, housing bubbles, investment strategies and more.

April 25, 2008

What is the value added by an analyst? Vad tillför en analytiker?

The chart below seems to indicate that analysts' forecasts merely are a moving average of actually reported earnings. Thus no predictive value whatsoever. Note how the analysts at turning points in the cycle, stubbornly continues to believe that (especially) the rise will continue.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Har man någonsin varit i kontakt med analytiker så vet man att deras värde inte ligger i vad de producerar för siffror (och rapporter..), utan vad de fått för bild av bolaget efter mångårig erfarenhet och kommunikation med ledningen. Ställer man rätt frågor kan man få ut väldigt mycket matnyttig information av en duktig analytiker.