Bull against bear

Financial markets, macro economics, politics and everything else concerning the global markets. The writer is a long time investment banking operative in the nordic markets. The blog is usually updated once a week with specific trading advice. On a monthly basis, the goal is to provide a strategy update. In addition to that, there will be posts of more general content, housing bubbles, investment strategies and more.

June 18, 2013

Weekly update 18/6

Buying in to OPEX once again proved a profitable strategy. I am not taking any chances with the central planners day and will exit most positions and actually start scaling in to more bearish positioning again. It seems most commodities again are breaking down and interestingly enough crude oil has held up, that could be something catching up on the downside once the upward momentum wears off.

Looking for a consolidating summer with current levels being the higher area of that range.

June 5, 2013

Weekly update 6/5

Looking to scale in to more bullish positioning during the coming week.