Bull against bear

Financial markets, macro economics, politics and everything else concerning the global markets. The writer is a long time investment banking operative in the nordic markets. The blog is usually updated once a week with specific trading advice. On a monthly basis, the goal is to provide a strategy update. In addition to that, there will be posts of more general content, housing bubbles, investment strategies and more.

November 21, 2012

Weekly update 11/21

Election squeeze, and over done sell off and now right back at 1390. A lot of technical damage was done the last weeks. If the SPX looks bad, commodities like oil and copper and some tech names are outright horrible. The only factor that is worse than these charts is sentiment. Sentiment is so bearish it only takes a minor piece of good news, like a half hearted fiscal cliff solution, to push this market to around year highs.

I am looking for a brief decline post thanksgiving to flush out some of the swing bulls and then a continued bearish sentiment driven squeeze to around new highs. This position could easily be hedged by short positions in some commodities as well as a long position in the dollar. It looks like emerging markets will lead the way to the downside after this final squeeze. Right now, let the option premium decay in to the low volatility holiday season.

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